Project Artifacts

[In the folder artifacts, place all the artifacts (or short cuts/aliases/links to them). Arrange them in appropriate folders. On this page, create links to parallel files and to overviews in subfolders, and add comments as appropriate.

Feel free to use the overview.htm files on the various levels, or use readme.txt files instead, or both.

This page's filename is artifacts/overview.htm.]

Overview pages


Browse file folders directly

Business Engineering Overview project/artifacts/businessengineering/
Requirements Overview project/artifacts/requirements/
Analysis & Design Overview project/artifacts/analysis&design/
Implementation Overview project/artifacts/implementation/
Test Overview project/artifacts/test/
Deployment Overview project/artifacts/deployment/
Configuration & Change Management Overview project/artifacts/conf&chgmanagement/
Project Management Overview project/artifacts/projectmanagement/
Environment Overview project/artifacts/environment/